Internet connectivity in our education system currently lags behind in comparison to countries like South Korea where all schools currently enjoy high speed connectivity. South Korea even plans to phase out textbooks by 2016.

In an effort to modernize internet connectivity in under-funded classrooms, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to invest $2 billion over the next two years to push Obama administration’s ConnectED initiative which aims to bring high speed internet and Wi-Fi access to 99% of America’s students.

Without adequate access to high-speed internet and Wi-Fi, teachers cannot implement digital tools such as Smarboards that increase classroom interaction with complicated concepts such as the ones in calculus. Technology has certainly made education more egalitarian with an influx of Youtube tutorial videos on virtually every subject and free online courses such as those offered at Coursera.

Even though these online tools are readily available online, without proper internet connectivity,  American students will not be able to take advantage of these free resources and continue to lag behind in their education in comparison to other countries.

Providing schools in under-funded areas with the appropriate technology is a paramount step for educational reform.

WiFi Grant for Schools - Infographic

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